Is four GDPR compliant?
We are fully GDPR compliant and committed to holding your data securely within the EU.
Can I set the time frame my data is retained for?
You can set an expiry time for your user data, after this time all identifying features are wiped.
Can I print visitor passes?
When combined with a label printer four will automatically print visitor passes.
Can I customise the sign in process?
We believe our streamlined sign in process provides the best user experience for your visitors however we appreciate every site is different. You are able to add additional customisable fields enabling you to ask for a visitor photo, or vehicle numberplate for instance.
Is the host notified on visitor arrival?
Hosts will get emailed automatically as soon as their guests arrive. Each host can have just one email address, or many if you want the whole team to get notified.
Can I edit my company details?
You can edit and update your company details from any Internet connection.
Is there any limit on the number of user accounts?
No, we firmly believe in making the sign in process easier.
Is there any price limit on the number of visitors?
No, our simple price plan doesn’t penalise you for usage.
Can I see all my visitors?
All relevant visitors are shown to tier respective users.
Can I pre-register my visitors?
You can pre-register your visitors and pre-print their visitor passes too!
Can I print a list of all current visitors?
You can print a roll call of all relevant visitors for your respective user. As a reception or building manager, you can print the entire buildings visitors for emergencies.